July 18, 2018
Sports Video Group
SMT was back at MLB All-Star in Washington, providing Fox Sports its live virtual–strike-zone system and, for the 14th consecutive year, virtual signage.
SMT rendered the virtual–strike-zone graphic, as well as the watermarks when viewers saw the ball cross the plate.
SMT’s Peter Frank was on hand at 2018 MLB All-Star to support Fox Sports’ virtual efforts.
SMT handled virtual signage behind the plate for Fox’s Camera 4 (the primary pitcher/batter camera) and tight center field. For the third year in a row, the company also integrated its system with the high-home position, inserting virtual signage on the batter’s eye in center field.
“We use stabilization for virtual signage on the main camera, which is used for the virtual strike zone, so that helps out with the stability of both graphics,” said SMT Media Production Manager Peter Frank. “Two years ago at MLB All-Star in San Diego was the first time we did [virtual signage on] the batter’s eye, and Fox was really happy with it. So we also brought it back in